Monday, May 12, 2008

on the mother's day, we lonely st. pepper hearts club met up for awhile

2 hearts, sam and hui, my heart's not in picture.

"don't care what people think, i love bintan-"

all you need is to love her.

my hair is messed up, sho what.okay, i think i need to thin my hair.

from evonish.

me not sholl bad afterall, i went back home early for dinner.mums mums.

i wonderrr....iff...iff...iff
i should save up for an fixed gear bike.

i've been wanting to ride to school since sec skool, but all the institution i've been to is never near, riding would take hours.
then, buying a gear would cost around 1k, i can forget about taking up car license this year end.

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